What Harry Potter Movie is the Best One?

What Harry Potter Movie is the Best One?

The Harry Potter movie franchise is one of the most successful and beloved series of all time. With eight films in total, fans have their own opinions on which movie is the best. In this essay, I will argue that the fifth installment, Harry Potter and the Order of the Past, is the best of the series.

The Strength of the Plot

One of the main reasons why Harry Potter and the Order of the Past stands out as the best film in the series is the strength of its plot. This movie introduces a number of key plot elements that are essential to the overarching story of the series, such as the establishment of the titular order and the introduction of the character of Albus Dumbledore as a mentor figure to Harry.

Additionally, the movie does an excellent job of balancing the various plotlines and character arcs, making for a well-paced and engaging story that keeps the viewer on the edge of their seat. The film also includes some of the most iconic and memorable moments of the series, such as the return of Sirius Black and the climactic Battle of the Department of Mysteries.

The Development of the Characters

Another reason why Harry Potter and the Order of the Past is the best of the series is the way it continues to develop the main characters. This movie marks a turning point for Harry, Ron, and Hermione, as they start to come into their own as young adults and become more independent from their mentors.

We see Harry begin to confront his own personal demons and insecurities, Ron and Hermione’s relationship evolve into a more mature friendship, and the trio as a whole become more capable and confident in their abilities. This development is essential to the growth of the characters and helps to set the stage for the challenges they will face in the later films.

The Acting and Direction

In addition to its strong plot and character development, Harry Potter and the Order of the Past also boasts impressive acting and direction. The cast, which includes Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, and Emma Watson, is at the top of their game in this film, delivering powerful and emotional performances that help to bring the characters to life.

Director David Yates, who would go on to helm the final four films in the series, also does an excellent job of bringing the world of Harry Potter to life on the big screen. The special effects and production design are top-notch, creating a fully-realized and immersive world for the viewer to lose themselves in.

Against: Lack of Action

While there is no doubt that Harry Potter and the Order of the Past is a strong entry in the series, it is not without its flaws. One of the main criticisms of the film is that it lacks the action and excitement of some of the other installments.

With the focus being more on character development and plot advancement, there are fewer big action set pieces and thrilling moments compared to other movies in the series. This may leave some viewers feeling like the film is slow-paced or lacking in excitement.

Against: Underdeveloped Villains

Another potential downside to Harry Potter and the Order of the Past is the underdevelopment of the villains. While the movie introduces a number of key antagonists, including Bellatrix Lestrange and Draco Malfoy, they are not given much screen time or depth.

This can be frustrating for viewers who are used to seeing the villains in the series be fully fleshed-out and complex characters. As a result, the conflicts in the film can feel one-sided and less impactful than they could have been with more developed villains.