A Deep Dive Into the Crucial Role of Prejudice in the Harry Potter Universe

A Deep Dive Into the Crucial Role of Prejudice in the Harry Potter Universe

Prejudice plays a significant role in the Harry Potter universe, both in terms of the larger narrative and in the character development of its protagonists. It’s a theme that is explored and examined in a number of ways throughout the series, and it’s one that continues to resonate with readers and viewers today.

The Prejudice of Pureblood Supremacy

One of the main forms of prejudice that is explored in the Harry Potter series is the idea of pureblood supremacy. This is the belief that those who are born into pureblood wizarding families are inherently superior to those with mixed or Muggle heritage. This prejudice is exemplified by the character of Draco Malfoy and his family, who consistently look down upon Harry and his friends because of their Muggle-born or mixed-heritage backgrounds.

On the other hand, there are characters who actively resist and fight against this prejudice, such as Hermione Granger. Hermione comes from non-pureblood family, but she refuses to let her heritage define her or hold her back. In fact, she becomes one of the most powerful and influential members of Dumbledore’s Army, using her intelligence and determination to stand up to the pureblood supremacists.

The Prejudice of Social Class

Another form of prejudice that is explored in the Harry Potter series is the divide between different social classes within the wizarding world. There are those who are wealthy and influential, like the Malfoys and the Weasleys, and then there are those who are poor and marginalized, like the House-Elves and the goblins. This prejudice is exemplified by the way that the wizarding world treats House-Elves, who are essentially treated as nothing more than slaves and treated with contempt by many of the wealthier wizarding families.

However, there are also characters who work to challenge and dismantle this prejudice, such as Dobby and Ron Weasley. Dobby, a House-Elf, takes great risks to gain his freedom and dignity, and Ron becomes an advocate for House-Elf rights later in the series. These characters show that it is possible to challenge and change the prejudices of social class, even in a world where it is deeply entrenched.

The Prejudice of Racism and Xenophobia

Another important aspect of prejudice in the Harry Potter series is the way it intersects with issues of racism and xenophobia. This is exemplified by the way that the wizarding world treats “non-human” creatures like centaurs, giants, and werewolves. These creatures are often viewed with fear and mistrust, and are often marginalized and discriminated against.

However, there are also characters who work to challenge and change these prejudices, such as Newt Scamander and Luna Lovegood. Newt, a magizoologist, advocates for the understanding and protection of non-human creatures, and Luna refuses to let societal prejudices dictate her friendships and relationships. These characters show that it is possible to overcome racism and xenophobia, even in a world where they are deeply ingrained.

The Power of Prejudice

Ultimately, the theme of prejudice in the Harry Potter series serves as a reminder of the power that it holds. Prejudice can be used to justify discrimination and violence, and it can be used to divide and conquer. However, it can also be challenged and overcome, as we see through the actions of characters like Hermione, Dobby, Ron, Newt, and Luna.

It’s a powerful message that continues to resonate with readers and viewers today, as we continue to grapple with the many forms of prejudice that still exist in our own world. While it may not always be easy to challenge and change these prejudices, the Harry Potter series reminds us that it is possible after all.