How Harry Potter’s Relationship With Severus Snape Changed

How Harry Potter's Relationship With Severus Snape Changed

Severus Snape is a complex and controversial character in the Harry Potter series, and his relationship with the protagonist, Harry Potter, is one of the most dynamic and significant in the series. Over the course of the series, Harry’s feelings towards Snape change significantly, and these changes reflect both Harry’s personal growth and the evolution of his understanding of Snape’s true nature.

Pro: Harry’s Initial Dislike of Snape

At the beginning of the series, Harry has a strong dislike for Snape. Snape is a bitter, sarcastic, and cruel professor who seems to take pleasure in tormenting Harry and his friends. Harry sees Snape as a bully and a enemy, and he has little patience for Snape’s behavior.

Contra: Harry’s Growing Respect for Snape

As the series progresses, however, Harry begins to see Snape in a different light. He learns that Snape has a complicated past and is not the one-dimensional villain he initially believed him to be. Harry starts to understand that Snape’s actions, while still questionable at times, are motivated by a deep love and loyalty towards Lily Potter, Harry’s mother. Harry begins to see Snape as a tragic and complex character, and his respect for Snape grows.

Pro: Harry’s Forgiveness of Snape

Ultimately, Harry comes to fully forgive Snape for his actions and mistakes. He understands that Snape made difficult choices in order to protect those he cared about, and he recognizes that Snape’s loyalty to Lily ultimately played a crucial role in defeating Lord Voldemort. Harry’s forgiveness of Snape is a sign of his own maturity and understanding, and it demonstrates his ability to see beyond his initial judgments and prejudices.

Contra: The Paradox of Snape’s Loyalty

However, some argue that Harry’s forgiveness of Snape is problematic, as it seems to justify Snape’s actions and behavior. Snape is loyal to Lily, but he is also loyal to Lord Voldemort, and his loyalty to these two conflicting causes causes a great deal of suffering and conflict. Some argue that Harry’s forgiveness of Snape ultimately allows Snape to evade responsibility for the harm he has caused and the choices he has made.

Pro: The Lessons of Harry and Snape’s Relationship

Despite these complications, Harry and Snape’s relationship ultimately teaches valuable lessons about forgiveness, understanding, and the complexity of human nature. It shows that people are not always what they seem, and that it is important to look beyond surface appearances and consider the full context of someone’s actions. It also demonstrates the transformative power of forgiveness and the importance of seeing others as multi-dimensional and flawed, rather than as one-dimensional villains.


In conclusion, Harry’s relationship with Snape undergoes a significant transformation over the course of the series, moving from dislike to respect to forgiveness. While this transformation is not without its complexities and challenges, it ultimately teaches valuable lessons about human nature and the transformative power of forgiveness.