Which Shrek Character Are You Based on Your Zodiac

Aries Shrek

Bold and ready for adventure, Shrek is a true Aries – a courageous leader who jumps headfirst into every challenge, whether it's rescuing a princess or facing a dragon.


Taurus Fiona

Just like a Taurus, Fiona is all about resilience and finding peace. She's patient and loves the tranquility of the swamp life, showing that classic Taurus mix of strength and love for comfort.


Gemini Donkey

Chatty, lively, and always on the move, Donkey is the perfect Gemini. His playful banter and adaptability in the wildest situations are total Gemini moves.


Cancer Dragon

Protective and nurturing, Dragon is a typical Cancer. She fiercely guards her loved ones, showing that typical Cancer blend of care and courage.


Leo Prince Charming

Prince Charming is as Leo as it gets – loves the limelight, oozes charisma, and is all about that self-confidence.


Virgo Puss in Boots

Methodical, loyal, and always on point, Puss in Boots is a Virgo through and through. His practical approach and dedication to his friends are classic Virgo traits.


Libra King Harold

King Harold, with his diplomatic and fair-minded ways, is a true Libra. Always striving for balance and peace, he's the mediator we all need.


Scorpio Fairy Godmother

Resourceful and a bit mysterious, Fairy Godmother's intense and secretive nature screams Scorpio.


Sagittarius Gingy

Gingy is the embodiment of a Sagittarius – always up for a laugh, brimming with curiosity, and never afraid to leap into adventures.


Scorpio Lord Farquaad

Ambitious and disciplined, Lord Farquaad is a classic Capricorn. He's all about achieving his goals, no matter how tough the path.


Aquarius Pinocchio

Unique and fiercely independent, Pinocchio's journey from wooden puppet to real boy captures the essence of an Aquarius – always marching to the beat of their own drum.


Pisces Queen Lillian

Compassionate and empathetic, Queen Lillian's caring nature and understanding heart are the hallmarks of a Pisces.