Why Harry Potter Didn’t End Up With Hermione?

Why Harry Potter Didn't End Up With Hermione?

The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling has captivated readers and audiences around the world for decades, with many fans becoming emotionally invested in the characters and their relationships. One of the most popular debates among fans is whether Harry should have ended up with Hermione, his best friend and fellow Gryffindor, or with Ginny Weasley, the sister of his best friend Ron. In this essay, we will explore the reasons why Harry ultimately ended up with Ginny, rather than Hermione.

Pro: Harry and Ginny’s Relationship Developed Naturally

One reason why Harry and Ginny ended up together is because their relationship developed naturally over the course of the series. In the earlier books, Harry and Ginny barely interacted, and it wasn’t until Ginny began to assert her independence and come into her own as a character that their relationship began to blossom. By the time Harry and Ginny started dating, it felt like a natural progression, rather than a sudden and forced plot twist.

Con: Harry and Hermione Had Stronger Chemistry

However, some fans argue that Harry and Hermione had stronger chemistry and a deeper connection than Harry and Ginny. Throughout the series, Harry and Hermione were shown to have a close friendship and were able to understand and support each other in a way that Harry and Ginny didn’t. Additionally, Harry and Hermione’s similar experiences as outsiders and their shared love of learning made them seem like a more logical match.

Pro: Ginny’s Character Development

Another reason why Harry and Ginny’s relationship works is because of Ginny’s character development. In the earlier books, Ginny is portrayed as a shy and timid character who is overshadowed by her older brothers. However, as she grows older, Ginny becomes more confident and assertive, and it is this strength and independence that ultimately attracts Harry. This character arc adds depth and complexity to their relationship and makes it feel more meaningful and satisfying.

Con: Hermione’s Role in the Series

Some fans argue that Hermione’s role in the series should have been rewarded with a romantic relationship with Harry. Hermione is a fiercely intelligent and loyal character who consistently proves herself to be an invaluable ally to Harry and the rest of the main cast. It is possible that many fans wanted to see Hermione end up with Harry as a way of acknowledging and rewarding her contributions to the story.


While it is understandable why some fans might have hoped for a romantic relationship between Harry and Hermione, ultimately it is clear that J.K. Rowling made the decision to have Harry end up with Ginny for a number of reasons. From the natural progression of their relationship to Ginny’s character development and the chemistry between the two characters, it is clear that Harry and Ginny were meant to be together.