Why Harry Potter’s Portrayal of Prejudice and Discrimination is Relevant to Our World

Why Harry Potter's Portrayal of Prejudice and Discrimination is Relevant to Our World

Harry Potter’s portrayal of prejudice and discrimination is relevant to our world because it highlights the harmful effects of such attitudes and shows the importance of standing up against them. In the Harry Potter series, the characters face discrimination based on their blood status, their membership in a certain house at Hogwarts, and their association with certain individuals or groups. This mirrors the real-world issues of racism, sexism, homophobia, and other forms of discrimination that continue to plague our society.

One of the key themes in the Harry Potter series is the importance of standing up against prejudice and discrimination. Throughout the books, Harry and his friends face discrimination and bigotry from various characters, including Draco Malfoy, Vernon Dursley, and even some of their own teachers at Hogwarts. However, they refuse to let these attitudes define them and instead choose to stand up against them. This is exemplified in the Battle of Hogwarts, where Harry and his friends join forces with their former enemies, the house elves, to fight against the forces of evil that seek to divide and conquer them.

One of the most striking examples of prejudice and discrimination in the Harry Potter series is the treatment of Muggle-born witches and wizards, also known as “mudbloods.” These characters are marginalized and discriminated against by pure-blood wizards, who believe that they are inferior and do not belong in the wizarding world. This mirrors the real-world issue of racism, where individuals are judged and discriminated against based on the color of their skin. The Harry Potter series shows the harmful effects of this type of prejudice and the importance of standing up against it.

Another example of prejudice and discrimination in the Harry Potter series is the treatment of the house elves by their wizard masters. The house elves are enslaved and mistreated by their masters, who view them as inferior and disposable. This mirrors the real-world issue of slavery and human rights abuses, where certain individuals are treated as property and denied their basic rights. The Harry Potter series shows the need to stand up against these injustices and to fight for the rights of all individuals, regardless of their race, gender, or social status.

Despite the relevance of prejudice and discrimination in the Harry Potter series, some may argue that it is a work of fiction and therefore has no bearing on the real world. They may also argue that the issues portrayed in the series are too fantastical and exaggerated to be relatable. However, this argument ignores the fact that the Harry Potter series is a reflection of the real world and the issues that we face as a society. The discrimination and bigotry portrayed in the books may be exaggerated, but they are based on real-world issues and can serve as a reminder of the need to stand up against prejudice and discrimination in all its forms.

In conclusion, Harry Potter’s portrayal of prejudice and discrimination is relevant to our world because it highlights the harmful effects of such attitudes and shows the importance of standing up against them. The books may be works of fiction, but they reflect the real-world issues of racism, sexism, homophobia, and other forms of discrimination that continue to plague our society. By standing up against prejudice and discrimination, we can create a more just and inclusive world for all.