Why Harry Potter Needs to Disapparate from Today’s Culture

Why Harry Potter Needs to Disapparate from Today's Culture

Harry Potter is a beloved children’s book series written by J.K. Rowling and adapted into a popular film franchise. The story follows the adventures of a young wizard named Harry Potter as he navigates the magical world and battles the evil Lord Voldemort.

Over the years, the Harry Potter series has gained a massive following and has become a cultural phenomenon. However, some argue that it is time for Harry Potter to disappear from today’s culture.

Pro: Harry Potter Promotes Reading

One argument in favor of Harry Potter staying in today’s culture is that it promotes reading among young people. The Harry Potter series is widely considered to be a “gateway drug” to reading, as many children who might not otherwise be interested in reading are drawn in by the magical world of Hogwarts and the adventures of Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

Not only do children enjoy reading the Harry Potter books, but they also become more confident and capable readers as a result. This is especially important in the age of technology, where children are often more interested in screens than books.

Contra: Harry Potter Perpetuates Stereotypes

On the other hand, there are those who argue that Harry Potter needs to disappear from today’s culture because it perpetuates harmful stereotypes. For example, the series has been criticized for its portrayal of certain characters, such as the way that certain races and ethnicities are depicted.

Furthermore, some argue that the series reinforces gender stereotypes by depicting men as powerful, active protagonists, while women are often relegated to the role of supportive sidekicks. This can be damaging for children who are learning about gender roles and can lead to the perpetuation of harmful stereotypes in society.

Pro: Harry Potter Teaches Important Lessons

Despite these criticisms, there are also many who argue that Harry Potter has valuable lessons to teach. The series explores themes of friendship, loyalty, and the importance of standing up for what is right, even in the face of great adversity.

These are important lessons for children to learn, and the Harry Potter series does a good job of presenting them in a way that is engaging and entertaining. Furthermore, the series encourages children to use their imaginations and to believe in the power of magic and friendship.

Contra: Harry Potter is Overrated

Another argument against Harry Potter staying in today’s culture is that it is simply overrated. While the series has its fans, there are many who do not understand the appeal and find the books and movies to be mediocre at best.

Furthermore, some argue that the hype surrounding the series has gotten out of control and that it is time for the craze to die down. This is especially true in light of the numerous other books and movies that have come out in recent years that are just as good, if not better, than Harry Potter.


In conclusion, the question of whether Harry Potter needs to disappear from today’s culture is a complex one with valid arguments on both sides. On the one hand, the series promotes reading and teaches important lessons. On the other hand, it perpetuates harmful stereotypes and may be overrated. Ultimately, the decision of whether to keep Harry Potter in today’s culture is up to individuals and their personal opinions.